

Living in the climate and location that I am now in there are a number of insects that one has to learn to live with. Basically it is deal with it or move on. A whole array of species that are not in Canada. Like me, they hate the cold weather.  I do not have a problem with them as long as they do not occupy my bed!

One big grasshopper


beautiful butterfly
I’m watching you










There are a number of resident spiders that pose no fear but man some of them are quite large! One only has to tap the wall and they quickly move away. The one that I do though have a massive aversion to is a scorpion. Many moons ago while in Morocco, the lady I was travelling with from Australia came to me while I was enjoying the morning view having a coffee. Quietly she said, what do scorpions look like? Why do you ask I say. Well because of the rain that we had seen the day before, the first in five years, this particular scorpion had decided to take cover, in her bedroom. He was caught, put in a jar and then tormented until he died. That I did not like, just release him but I was not in control. The second time I came across a scorpion was last year when I was in Tepoztlan.  Getting dressed one morning, I grab my socks and out drops a scorpion. Here he is and yes I freaked. I slept with the light on for the next few days as I was told they don’t like light. Now how true that is I have no idea!! These, although will give a nasty sting are not that bad apparently. It is the little beige ones that you should worry about. Great. Small and hard to see. But we won’t go there.


My next encounter was a few weeks ago. I had swept the porch and decided to throw buckets of water over to clean off the dust. Job nicely done, it was time for a beer. Well I looked down and there was this big scorpion heading straight for the front door. OMG if there was a camera you would all laugh. There was this scorpion which in reality does not want anything to do with me at all and if one compares my size to him, you get the picture. Here I am trying to manoeuvre this poor thing with chair. He was not happy and kept raising his tail which I could see was getting full of venom. The chair was not working. Grabbed the broom and swept him away. I furiously looked in the grass to see where he landed but never found him. I no longer throw buckets of water on the porch. I am sure there must be some under there living their life. Just don’t show your face to me or Seven please.  After seeing Seven’s reaction to the praying mantis, I am sure he would scamper if he was faced with a scorpion. Hope so.

Now it is routine. Check the bed and shake everything before putting it on.

the 3's say hello

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